Being a girl who loves a good pun on words I was drawn to read a lengthy blog post by a friend today that interned inspired me to write this here post! The post was entitled
Miss America. Silly me and knowing the writer I thought for sure this was his run down of the Miss America pageant contestants. It was really more like I miss, America. It really hit home today. I'm kind of having my own pity party here but I totally agreed with him. His post talked about missing the old American values. Where working hard was more important than telling your facebook friends how wonderful your husband is and how advanced your children are or writing a novella about how the new facebook interface sucks. I was reading facebook this morning and had to just turn it off. Every status update was so stupid or so fake or so ridicules! Out of 900 "friends" not one was posting anything even half insightful or even funny. At lunch the deepest conversation around me was on what date exactly did the Virgo sign cut off. I had to call and discuss the irony of his post, Miss American and
Missing America. I'm sure when it started the Miss American pageant contestants were as wholesome and girl next door as they appeared. But now we all know the dirty little secretes that
lie behind those faces painted up like china dolls. Just as we all know not everything is as perfect as our facebook profiles make us sound. So I too Miss American and the family values we once had. Not the BPA & Paraben fee lives we post on facebook.
Now that I'v been taking about this post so much you have to go over and read it your self...
Miss America by Anchored Down & Horsing Around
I'm way behind on my blog writing and read lately. There has just been so much going on I can't clear my head a compose a sentence much less a whole blog post. BUT I'm now motivated to read and write something at least halfway insightful or meaningful. To catch up on my family blog before I miss capturing my child's life!
(because that really is important to me!) and thanks to Chuck over at Anchored down and horsing around for inspiring some deep thoughts in me today.
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