Bravo you have dug your claws into Dallas and did a great portrayal of the Big D! Money, douce bag, money, big hair, money, fake blonds with huge fake boobs!
For starters episode 1st starts at the W hotel... No one that's not currently shooting a rap video or on the cheesy your of Dallas goes there. What's that saying??? I did see them in uptown with Rock'n Taco in the back ground. Yummm Love that place

Tara Harper- thanks for the laughs " I was engaged several times, the first does not even count I just call him sweetie " or this one " in Texas there is even a big hair day, yeah, it's like a national day". Most people don't even know what wedge wood china is and your maid makes your rescue dogs dinner on it. Oh and please keep the dogs name Shaniqua (sp) it's hysterical when you call her.

Matt Nordgren- so typical Dallas guy. Well one thing stands out... He is a former Texas Longhorn quarterback and quite the academic over achiever. I hope we get to see a little softer side of Matt not all Player Player.

Glen Pakulak- if you just remain shirtless the rest of the season you going to do just fine in my book. I'll ignore all the cocky comments you said about yourself cause your that cute. Better yet just mute the TV and drool.

Courtney Kerr - was cool for about the first 2 sec, then everything out of her mouth was bashing & judging people she does not even know, yep that's Dallas for you. I almost feel like she is bitter because she is not blonde. I felt just like I was back in Dallas listing to the words out of her mouth or sitting next to my friend "H" that is from Dallas listing to her talk. See the pattern here?
Courtney just moved right up on my shit list, how dare she judge Neill. She is a single mom there for she is never allowed to go to dinner and have drinks?? She should only go out if it's with very close friends? Thats so stupid! You just wait Courtney, you just wait. You Missy are talking out you ass cause you have NO idea what it's like to have kids. I'll end that there and get off my soap box, for now!

She could be so cute if she would stop being a sour puss and make out with Matt already
Kinda looks like Casey Anthony in that second pic huh?

Neill Skylar - The New Girl in town. I got your back! You work it you cute lil mamma you!

Drew Ginsburg- please move to Austin and be my GBFF! What a sweetheart. I personally love that you push a button for EVERYTHING and that you dog has a bone twice the size of her! Drew, who calls his view "a pantydropper." He's insufferable, calling room service "I like my coffee like I like my men...black." This could be explained by the fact that he may have a little extra emotional baggage because he used to be about 200 lbs bigger. He is taking HCG hormones and get pee and get a positive pregnancy test He smokes cigarettes in his talking head sessions, talking about how he's "broken the mold" because he's gay and likes cars.
A few more one liners:
"Those guido bon duccis make me want to throw up." -Tara
"Woo Woo! Here comes the ho parade!" -Courtney
"I don't like getting shoo'ed by hoes." -Courtney
"I try not to do one on one (dates) because it's just not valuable time spent." -Matt
"I feel like I'm a natural born poser." -Glenn
"Does this thing have batteries?" - Drew about a can of hair spray
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