Who's wearing the heels & cooking the meals?

One Mom's attempt at making the dirty job of motherhood chic! Attempting to finding her coolness among a husband, toddler daughter, 2 dogs & 2 frogs ! What's hot on the world of motherhood, toddlers and Austin

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

You might be pregnant if...

You find, walk to, buy and devour this...

A chocolate covered pickle!
I got a lot of stares and could have cared less. This treasure is located in a candy store in down town Fredricksburg Texas.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Ikea + husband = bad mood

Asking your husband to "just run in Ikea on your way home" and then "sweetie could you put this together" might be a little much to ask...

Ikea vs Mr T
And the winner is

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What an oxymoron an HOA sending a message for a missing goat!

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